First (and I can't believe a Security site hasn't mentioned this yet), there's more than one way to secure a login. SSL/TLS is not the option option. The other options are perfectly valid too.
Your password is sent to your OpenID Provider. Most use SSL to secure the connection because so many people are under the false pretense that this is the only way to secure communication on the Internet.
I run my own OpenID Provider and actually use HTTP Digest Auth to secure the password process, not SSL (though SSL does work, it's not enabled by default). It's based on MD5 (and I'll preempt anyone who think MD5 is 'easy' to crack by saying that in 2006 researchers thought they were close to cracking it; 6 years later still nothing but brute force).
Your login likely is encrypted, just not with SSL, which as you have learned isn't the only way to do it.