If Software Recommendations is mentioned anywhere, please prominently mention the question quality guidelines. Software Recommendations does not accept just any question that asks which software to use, we insist on questions with a clear list of requirements and a well-defined purpose.
This goes for anyone mentioning SR.SE in a comment. Please always link to the question guidelines, and the answer guidelines as well if necessary.
https://security.stackexchange.com/q/96600 is ok, because it describes a precise use case (full disk encryption under Windows) and explains why the obvious solution (Bitlocker) isn't applicable. But please don't drive crap like we see sometimes (“Alternative to Bitlocker? I don't trust Microsoft”) to SR.SE.
Note that while SR.SE accepts questions about almost any kind of software, we only do well for generalist software (end user tools, common administration tools, common developer tools). For specialist software, we usually lack the requisite audience. So it's ok for software like Bitlocker, SSH, GPG, etc. but please keep questions about specialist tools on specialist sites. For example, when the use case is pentesting or forensics, Security.SE is the best place for the question. You may still want to refer to SR.SE's question and answer quality guidelines to judge such questions and their answers.