Example: Is it possible to recreate a file using only its hash
Here the question is clear. OP wants to "recreate" a file. Using only its hash and an algorithm.
Logical Flaw: Wants to ignore the fact that there can be hash collisions.
The accepted answer begins with "Theoretically yes", and goes on to explain why it is "technically it is quite impossible".
I find both the question and the answer problematic (not outright incorrect), though I can rationlize both of them (as in "I think I can see where they're coming from").
To someone browsing or referring to SSE for good answers, I think it gives a completely wrong impression of how good our community is.
Am I right? What is the best thing to do under the circs?
PS: I can see my question itself is an example of my dilemma - especially my use of "mislead". :(