Are security tool related questions not security questions or something? Just a question?
Short explanation: I am doing some anti-virus research. FastBT is very intriguing. It is a tool for doing something like binary instrumentation with a specific purpose of adding an additional layer of security at run-time. It works great on Linux based OS-es. I'm looking for a windows patch-set or a similar tool/implementation for windows without having to right a pin-tool from scratch or delve deeply in to DynamoRIO.
There are no active tags for binary-instrumentation or dynamic-binary-instrumentation.
I had a link in the original question to the FastBT project page. It is a dynamic binary instrumentation engine for detecting memory faults before they leverage execution and recording processes dynamically at run-time without debugging(read as way faster).
Maybe the individual that closed/down-voted has no idea what dynamic binary instrumentation is in the context of security research or didn't take the time to check the provided link.