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2 votes
1 answer

Why was my answer to this question about Adobe Illustrator files deleted?

I'm extremely confused. I've provided an extensive explanation and answer to the question "Can .ai files (Adobe Illustrator) be malicious?", yet it was deleted on some unclear grounds. Why ...
Artem S. Tashkinov's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

How should major revisions of answers been dealt with?

I recently had quite a funny case with this answer that I had written. I wrote an answer that was technically wrong. Overnight, the question hit the HNQ, and subsequently got lots of attention and ...
user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Why put questions on hold instead of deletion, but delete answers?

I answered a question with no spam or offtopics. However, my answer got downvoted two times and then deleted. Why delete answers instead of keeping them downvoted, while “wrong” questions instead “...
Croll's user avatar
  • 163
2 votes
1 answer

Should we assume worst case scenario while writing answers?

Recently I answered a question where the password was sent to the users email in plain text. Technically this means the password is stored in two ways, Plain Text - which was sent to the user (the ...
Kolappan N's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

What is the best practice for acronym usage in Questions/Answers/Comments?

Today a question mentioning CVE popped up. I would have assumed that what CVE stands for and what it actually is would be common knowledge on a Q&A-site focused on IT security (maybe I'm biased ...
SeeYouInDisneyland's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Why is the accepted answer only sometimes at the top?

From what I remember, Sec.SE sorts answers based on the net vote score. If an answer is accepted, it is moved to the top automatically. In fact a question I asked became a hot network question. I ...
forest's user avatar
  • 67.3k
-9 votes
4 answers

Being repeatedly targeted and harassed with disputable/arbitrary deletions of answers by a specific moderator

There's a specific moderator who keeps following me around on this forum and unilaterally deleting my useful answers, writing them off as "rants" within minutes of posting with no consideration of the ...
user1258361's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to delete an answer permanently?

What should I do if I want to delete my answer completely instead of the regular delete which just locks the answer?
mzcoxfde's user avatar
  • 605
4 votes
1 answer

Mention 2 names in one comment

Is it possible to mention 2 names in one comment? For example, I want to write same answer for two people. I tried to do through "," and ";" but it did not work.
ideloxew's user avatar
  • 507
2 votes
1 answer

Is there any way to refocus a question in the question list?

I have a two related questions: If a question goes for a long time unanswered, what can we do to get more attention brought to it? If it goes on for too long unanswered, can we republish the question ...
ideloxew's user avatar
  • 507
1 vote
1 answer

Why were my -1s turned into +1s?

I ran into a user that has a swath of poorly thought out, poorly written, not relevant, and often just plain wrong answers (it appears this person has a very limited understanding of information ...
cremefraiche's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

What is the appropriate action to take when a user copies-and-pastes an old answer as a new one to a different question?

Today I ran into this nearly 700-word answer and remembered it as being a duplicate of this answer by the same user. This type of duplication doesn't seem to be helpful and may sometimes be ...
Neil Smithline's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Should the way comment posted as answer are handled be improved?

I understand that users with a low reputation are not allowed to comment other people's posts in order to prevent spam, since comments do not bring the posts on the top of the Recently active tab and ...
WhiteWinterWolf's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Can I answer the same question multiple time?

If there are many aspects to a question and that an answer should be split in many parts, does it makes sense to provide multiple answers? I know that some would like to flag the question as "too ...
Gudradain's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Must we avoid long answers?

When we flag a question as being too broad, we can read: There are either too many possible answers, or good answers would be too long for this format. Can we conclude from this statement that ...
user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Accept two answers

I accepted one answer and attempted to accept another as complementing, but that removed #1's acceptance, so I reverted back to accept #1's answer. Will the second answer receive notification of ...
Manumit's user avatar
  • 599
9 votes
1 answer

Why I can't post in protected questions, despite that I have enough reputation to do so?

For example, in this question I still see the following message: Currently I have 101 reputation. Is 101 < 10? :)
user11153's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Should answers that don't add anything to existing answers be deleted?

See e.g. this answer. In my opinion all ideas voiced there already appeared in existing answers (e.g. Polynomial's answer) Should such answers be deleted as those that don't add anything to existing ...
Andrei Botalov's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Q&A Template for "What are risks related with X and how to defend against them?"

Is it a good idea to try to use (as standard "de-facto", not forcing it on security.SE users) Q&A template ? My current case it I'd like to make some specific quesion, like: Q: "How X can be ...
Grzegorz Wierzowiecki's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Updating Answers

Is it a good idea to revisit and update answers after a while if new information has come to light? I'm thinking of a couple of answers I've given a while back, where there's been quite a bit of ...
Rory McCune's user avatar
  • 62.6k
7 votes
2 answers

Mistakes in answers, robustness of answers

I have been guilty of providing answers with poor and or misleading advise. Specifically here. My initial response was to not worry about NTP vulnerabilities, but thanks to some comments, I realized ...
this.josh's user avatar
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