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5 votes

Is it ok to ask the same question here and in another Stack Excange site, such as Stack Overflow?

Generally no, it is not okay to cross post. If it doesn't get answered here, or the community feels it is off topic then we can migrate it over somewhere more appropriate.
Rory Alsop's user avatar
  • 61.7k
4 votes

Which question guidelines exist on security stackexchange?

You only got one down vote on your sqlmap question, and two upvotes, so I would not use that as an example of "downvotes" There is a lot of guidance written - it's actually pretty extensive. We haven'...
Rory Alsop's user avatar
  • 61.7k
1 vote

Can we redirect all pattern- or trick- based password selection policies to the same wakeup call post?

How big of a problem is this? I had trouble finding a large number of examples of dumb tricks to generate passwords. Could you provide more examples? Perhaps the problem here is that it's ...
RealAnswersNotAI's user avatar

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