18 votes

Can we kill the [data-security] tag?

In looking at the questions using that tag, I'd have to agree it is entirely redundant. As usual I'll await a bit more of a consensus, but I'd be happy removing it.
Rory Alsop's user avatar
  • 61.5k
15 votes

What to do about [tag:nfc] and [tag:near-field-communication]?

To simplify voting I will post my suggested solution here as an answer instead of as part of the question. I think we should keep nfc as the main tag, and make the other a synonym. Three letter ...
Anders's user avatar
  • 65.6k
15 votes

Spam, spam, [spammer] and [spam]

AviD has turned spammer into a synonym of spam. Problem solved.
Anders's user avatar
  • 65.6k
14 votes

What's the point of tags?

I subscribe to the ones I'm most interested in so they are highlighted, and anti-subscribe to the ones I am not interested so they fade and reduce the visual clutter. shrug I find it actually helpful....
schroeder's user avatar
  • 129k
13 votes

Time to file [file] for burnination?

Agreed. I'll make some time later today to update some of them, and would ask others to also update over the next couple of days - not all at once or the front page will be full of these.
Rory Alsop's user avatar
  • 61.5k
11 votes

Do we need both a smartphone tag and a phone tag?

I'd suggest we need both as all phones are not necessarily smartphones. In fact all the disaster folks I work with use non-smartphones (such as the Nokia 6210i) specifically as they do not require the ...
Rory Alsop's user avatar
  • 61.5k
11 votes

Rename [csrf] → [cross-site-request-forgery]

I agree with @RoryAlsop here. Let's keep the main tag csrf and let cross-site-request-forgery be a synonym, just in case. Just as with SQL, which is rarely ever called "Structured Query Language", ...
Arminius's user avatar
  • 44.8k
10 votes

Are [ssl-interception] and [tls-intercept] the same thing?

I don't see a difference in usage. Some questions are even tagged with both. Since ssl is a synonym for tls, and tags are preferably nouns, I'd suggest to merge them withtls-interception as a master ...
Arminius's user avatar
  • 44.8k
9 votes

What to do with new tags that should not be?

If a tag has no categorization usefulness, it should be removed. If a clearly bad tag is used by only one question, you as a 2K+ user can strike it out of existence yourself. (Users without the edit ...
Ben N's user avatar
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9 votes

Ambiguous [image] tag

I think we should split the tag. I agree. I propose using disk-image for forensic sector-for-sector copies of a storage medium. Since the bulk of the questions are about "depictions of visual ...
forest's user avatar
  • 66.7k
8 votes

Do we do meta tags like [homework]?

Absolutely agree, it is pointless and not a good path to go down. I think it was added out of anger, towards an apparently deceitful OP who was trying to "put one over on us". Understandable, but ...
AviD's user avatar
  • 73.3k
8 votes

What is the point of company-specific tags and should we burninate them?

Microsoft does more than make products. They have security expertise, they have services and documents. Their product decisions affect the industry as a whole. I immediately agreed with you when I ...
schroeder's user avatar
  • 129k
7 votes

What's the point of tags?

I must admit I felt a bit offended when I read the title of your question. :-) Not sure I will produce a solid answer though. Tags makes questions searchable. The word time might show up in a lot of ...
Anders's user avatar
  • 65.6k
7 votes

Can we authoritatively merge [certificates] and [x.509]?

NO! x.509 != certificates. Closely related, for sure, but: certificates is not a subset of x.509 because, for example, e-passports use the EAC format for certificates. x.509 is not a subset of ...
Mike Ounsworth's user avatar
6 votes

Limit the [owasp] and [owasp-top-ten] tags?

I think they have to remain separate tags - the OWASP Top Ten is simply one (probably the most well known) of the OWASP activities. But I agree with you that your cases #3 and #4 would be better off ...
Rory Alsop's user avatar
  • 61.5k
5 votes

Establish [bug-bounty] tag?

I agree it could be a useful tag, but we need to make sure it is used in the right way. There is a high risk that it gets the same problem as the penetration test tag - it is used for question about ...
Anders's user avatar
  • 65.6k
5 votes

When and how to create new tags

Your question is indeed valid - most people either misuse the tags, or misunderstand the concept completely. Usually, you should prefer existing tags, where it makes sense. Rarely, a new topic ...
AviD's user avatar
  • 73.3k
5 votes

New tag request: Insecurity-Questions and Security-Questions

I think the topic of security questions - e.g. whats your mother maiden name - is distcint enough to merit it's own tag. The fact that there are many duplicates indicate the need for a tag, because ...
Anders's user avatar
  • 65.6k
5 votes

Merge [polp] and [least-privilege]?

“POLP” is not a common abbreviation in my experience. I didn't recognize it in your question before I saw the expansion, whereas I'm familiar with the concept under its full name. So I don't see the ...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
5 votes

Should we have a canonical question tag?

Let me address the two things in here. First, we don't really want a list of canonical questions, too hard to maintain as mentioned in previous meta-post here and here. Second, tags are meant to ...
M'vy's user avatar
  • 13.1k
5 votes

Can we exclude some inclusion tags?

I agree there is a very straightforward argument for having lfi as a synonym of local-file-inclusion, but file-inclusion should probably be renamed to remote-file-inclusion. File-inclusion itself ...
Rory Alsop's user avatar
  • 61.5k
5 votes

What should we do about all the data destruction and recovery tags?

Easy things first: The fourth tag, recovery, is just to broad and should be burninated. Most questions can be retagged with data-recovery or account-recovery. The tags data-recovery and deletion are ...
Anders's user avatar
  • 65.6k
4 votes

Do we need both a smartphone tag and a phone tag?

I think there is a clear difference between phone on one hand and smartphone and mobile on the other hand. The phone tag is about the traditional telephone network. It is for issues with dumb phones ...
Anders's user avatar
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4 votes

"Where does this hash comes from" / Member since today

The main reason these questions should be closed and not answered, is that is an extremely particular question - i.e. the answers to this question will never, ever help anybody else, since the hash ...
AviD's user avatar
  • 73.3k
4 votes

Do we do meta tags like [homework]?

Sometime in the history of our site, we decided to remove the homework tag, which is why you don't find the tag anywhere. I haven't been able to find that history in searching meta, but here's ...
Jeff Ferland's user avatar
  • 38.3k

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