If you are interested in personal security, privacy, and anonymity you could try superuser. It's for personal computing and they cover hardware and software. They have tags for security and privacy. The anonymity tag was rolled into the privacy tag.
The security tag description says:
Questions on Super User tagged security are generally expected to
relate to specific software or hardware problems associated with
security considerations.
Questions about protecting information assets from threats through
controls, security architecture and security management systems are
generally better suited for Security.StackExchange.
The privacy tag description says:
Questions about protecting your privacy on your computer. Questions
about privacy in web applications belong in WebApps.
The WebApps site covers anything to do with the personal use of sites like Facebook, Google, etc. Here's the "What kind of questions statement":
Web Applications - Stack Exchange is for expert and advanced users of
web applications.
If your question generally covers …
Using Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, Google, or any other website which behaves like an application
Browsers and their features relating to the use of a web application (Greasemonkey scripts for a web application, etc.)
… then you’re in the right place to ask your question!
There's also a proposal for a new site called "Privacy" in Area 51:
Here's the description:
Proposed Q&A site for privacy professionals and individuals to discuss
best practices as well as legal, cultural and regulatory requirements
for organizations that collect, use and store personal information.