Firstly - yes we have a blog - with 91 posts over the last 5 years (although the last 8 months has been a bit of a desert, for various reasons - one being the removal of support for blogs.)
Now, Stack Exchange is going to be discontinuing the website for community blogs entirely.
We are going to be given the option of creating an offsite blog which will be maintained solely by us (this has been done on WorldBuilding.SE).
This prompted the question of whether we even want to continue to have a blog? The blog has been incredibly popular for periods of time, and even now our top post has had 67,000 views in the last year.
If we move to a third party blog site, SE will probably provide us with the core data from the existing blog, and the graphic design, but we might need to convert a number of the current entries to new formatting for a different site (the existing one is WordPress)
So what do you think - keep it going and try to grow it back up on a platform we manage ourselves?